Health & Safety
When the IBEW was first formed, one out of every two employees were killed doing their job. Today, over 120 years later, safety remains a priority along with the broader issues of our members’ health and wellness.
With a long history of fighting for health and safety rights for our members, we’ve been able to have a part in shaping provincial legislation that includes regulations for employers to maintain safe working conditions; protection against violence, harassment and discrimination; and rights and responsibilities with respect to safety equipment and training.
Joint Health and Safety Committees are in place at many work locations and offer union members an opportunity to help reduce the incidence of workplace injury and disease. They can also make recommendations on how to stay safe at work, encourage compliance with regulations, and address any health and safety complaints or issues. This important work makes changes that benefit present and future members.
If you ever have any health or safety concerns in your workplace, please tell someone immediately. And if you’re not sure whom to tell, contact the Local 37 office and we’ll be ready to help you.